Nipitpon Tongpun, founder and CEO of Rambler, will be joining The Food Systems Summit 2021 Dialogues - Circular Agrinomics; Is it Really Trash?
In South East Asia, the average worker in a farm or plantation has an average salary per month of no more than USD500 per month. The low-tech nature of the region’s agriculture creates a poverty trap for these workers. The region’s population is 661.5 million, increasing to 720 million by 2030 thus there is an urgent requirement to increase the production capacity of food without incurring additional agricultural land stress. Upcycling is the solution for improved food security and equitable wealth creation, without needing further deforestation. This is because Southeast Asia is a bio-cultural hotspot encompassing about 20 percent of the global plant, animal, and marine species. These species can be the nature-positive agents of upcycling because of millennia of evolution.

Details of the event
Convened: Dr Daniel Mahadzir; Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network, U-Inspire Alliance
Language of Dialogue Event: English
Date/time: From: Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 14:00 GMT+7
To: Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 16:00 GMT+7
Geographical focus: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
Format: Hybrid
Curator: Dr Daniel Mahadzir; Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network, U-Inspire Alliance
Please review the details below for registration information if available or contact the Convenor if you would like to attend.
Join us at https://summitdialogues.org/dialogue/45415/